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crisis intervention techniques

Encourage attendance at health controls. Distribute food appropriate to the needs of the target groups, to the food nutritional profile of the population and current scientific knowledge. Serve articulator Center for nutritional intervention throughout the life cycle, by detecting, preventing and controlling overweight in the beneficiary population increases. Maintained within acceptable growth channels to RN identified as at increased risk of malnutrition and ECNTs. Help prevent and treat nutritional deficiencies of the elderly and maintain its physical and psychic functionality. What are the programs that we currently have? We have that there are 2 types of program for food that encompass a large part of the population: 1. national programme of complementary feeding - PNAC Within its objectives we have "maintain nutritional status of pregnant women to ensure harmonious fetal development, successful breastfeeding, and growth and normal development of the child", and what was considered to be currently "to contribute to the reduction of the prevalence of chronic diseases in adulthood". It is a universal program that considers a set of activities in support of nutritional preventative and recovery, through which foods for children under 6 years of age, children with less than 1,500 g birth weight is distributed and / less than 32 weeks of gestation, children and adolescents with diseases metabolic, pregnant and nursing mothers.

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