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Police infiltration in Assembly of SUTEBA Tiger Posted by sutebatigre 03-04-2017 on SUTEBA Tiger reviews (0) Press release Serious complaint: police infiltration in Assembly of SUTEBA Tiger Day Thursday 23, on the eve of a new anniversary of the last genocidal coup, in SUTEBA Tiger suffered a very serious fact of infiltration in the Assembly held in our Union headquarters. During the course of the Assembly, we detected the presence of a person who was neither a teacher nor known of none of those present at the meeting. This person was seen filming various interventions of brothers and sisters, to what was asked to say who he was and why was there. It was identified as Martín Prisco and said that guest had approached by a worker of a food (then found that the name of who had allegedly invited him was false). In addition, he said that it domiciliaba in Boedo and had an aunt in the town of Pacheco and that approached because her mother was a former teacher in Caballito. Once asked to withdraw and will claim you more data, he saw him climb an IXA 768 patent Hyundai van. The domain of the vehicle is on behalf of Domingo Pascual Prisco, who figure in allegations made on the Indymedia site as the Argentina Federal police intelligence officer, what makes much more serious the situation. In simultaneous to our Assembly, a meeting of solidarity took place with Metalsa workers, by the second discriminatory dismissal of Charli Lezcano and reinstallation of Ignacio Serrano. Also they might be intended for the operation. The repugnant fact occurs in the context of the conflict that the teachers have been carrying forward across the country in defense of public education and against the wage ceiling that want to impose the Government of Macri and Governors. In addition to this the Assembly of SUTEBA Tiger infiltration, in the week there were other serious events in our district: on Tuesday, March 21, as part of a popular at 197 and Panamericana pot was sent a huge contingent of gendarmes to harass such activity, which acquired a huge public impact and repudiation. That same day, troops of Prefecture followed the van carrying the sound of back to the headquarters of the Union. The previous day at the technical school N ° 3 of Benavidez, Coast Guard personnel were in the vicinity of the school to ask for ID from students and teachers entering the establishment, a fact completely out of place. Also in Escobar local police terrified teachers who were performing a public Assembly in a square and La Matanza, police officers went to schools to ask for data from teachers who stopped. We reject this new intimidation attempt and are responsible for these acts to the President Macri and to the Security Minister Bullrich, the Vidal Governor and Minister Ritondo, calling for the resignation of the officials that support intelligence tasks internal expressly prohibited by law. We demand immediate clarification of the facts and guarantees for those who exert a legitimate constitutional right. We denounce these serious facts before the media and the public and worker organizations, human rights, personalities, call to speak out against these reprehensible practices. Such provocation, to a new March 24 hours, deserves wider solidarity with the teachers and with the Trade Union being victim of this persecution. We are responsible to the provincial and national State by any act that violates the physical integrity of teachers in fight against fundamental rights that are being attacked. In the coming days, we will press conference to expand this complaint. SUTEBA Tiger 25/3/17. Confirm your account It has been sent you an email to confirm you your account in following the link that will appear in the email to finish your registration and to comment. Categories

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