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The beneficiaries of this program are newborns less than 1500 g and / less than 32 weeks of gestation) graduates from the public private neonatology services units. Delivery of benefits under this subprogramme is conditional on the fulfillment of the actions of Health established by the program Handbook of prematurity"(resolution exempt No. 386 of February 9, 2004) and the submission of the premature PNAC form (annex No. 1) that specifies the product and quantities which shall withdraw. The PNAC for prematurity distributes dairy products for the biological status of these children and delivers Purita breast milk drink to mothers who keep exclusive breastfeeding and / predominantly up to 6 months of corrected gestational age (EGC). When shall the child/a premature this hospital (after birth) and prior to discharge, the mother be entitled to withdraw Purita breast milk drink, at the establishment where its control of pregnant woman was held. This requires that the professional in charge of the P.A. Health Center accredits the condition of current breastfeeding of the child once that is done Purita breast milk beverage delivery should be evaluated the situation of breastfeeding for each case, determining the required amount of milk drink Purita breast according to: � Exclusive breastfeeding. � Predominantly breastfeeding: receives more than 50% of breast milk. PNAC of special diseases The beneficiaries of this program are all children and pregnant women regardless of their age and social security situation, with a diagnosis of phenylketonuria (PKU) disease urine smell of syrup of maple, propionic acidemia, methylmalonic acidemia, type 1 citrullinemia and isovaleric acidemia.�This benefit is delivered from birth to 17 years 11 months and 29 days, PKU women on stage preconception (if possible 2 months before pregnancy).

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